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Satisfying The Swedish Supergirl (Part 3) - PDF

Satisfying The Swedish Supergirl (Part 3)
Price: 8.00
(Story & Artwork: Mr. Lex)

Our story continues as Dan's forcibly ex-girlfriend Tessa pleads with her chemistry professor to help her even the odds against the Amazingly Amazonian Brigette! This leads to a muscle growth serum, which she is instructed to take gradually, though Tessa wants her man back Now, so she takes the entire amount, which allows her to grow to Gigantic proportions and Unreal strength! Tessa then confronts Brigette (who Dan has gotten very close to), demanding the return of her man, causing the Two Towering Titanesses to tussle; their power evenly matched, each seemingly unable to hurt the other - though Dan on the other hand isn't so lucky! More Incredible illustrations and text by the Awesome Mr. Lex here!

Dan ex-girlfriend Tessa chemistry professor Amazingly Amazonian Brigette muscle growth serum Gigantic proportions Unreal strength Two Towering Titanesses tussle power illustrations Mr. Lex

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